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2111, 2016

Second area of growth: Group (7-17 The Experience)

By |November 21st, 2016|Categories: 7-17 The Experience, Educational Projects|Tags: , , |

SECOND AREA OF GROWTH: GROUP Book excerpt of 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE (…) Unless you are an international spy or a keeper of a distant lighthouse, at your job in a company or any organization that [...]

1411, 2016

First area of growth: I (7-17 THE EXPERIENCE)

By |November 14th, 2016|Categories: 7-17 The Experience, Educational Projects|Tags: , , , |

"The only man who does make a mistake is  the one who never does anything" (Goethe) First area of growth: I Book excerpt of 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE (…) The only way to analyze organizations is [...]

911, 2016

This Paradigm is outdated (7-17 The Experience)

By |November 9th, 2016|Categories: 7-17 The Experience, Educational Projects|Tags: , , , |

This Paradigm is outdated Book excerpt of 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE (…) “Son, now that you are 17, the most important thing you have to do is to study.” I continue, “How many of us have [...]

607, 2016

7-17 The Experience

By |July 6th, 2016|Categories: 7-17 The Experience|Tags: , , , |

We share with you "7-17 The Experience" The book that is changing the perception of how the young have to prepare themselves for their future careers. Glen Lapson reminds us what the driver of our [...]

106, 2016

The Experience: The Last Samurai

By |June 1st, 2016|Categories: 7-17 The Experience, Cultural Projects, Educational Projects|Tags: , , , |

In the book 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE there is a work team exercise carried out many times in the real life with very good outcomes and always well appreciated by the students or workers who had [...]

1305, 2016

The Experience: Personal Interview

By |May 13th, 2016|Categories: 7-17 The Experience, Educational Projects|Tags: , , , , |

We have the pleasure of showing you a small extract of the book 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE by Glen Lapson. In this case it is one of the Experiences stated in the book, based on real [...]

Our followers say

Project: 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE

Satisfying. A versatile and well-structured book; an ideal reminder of those basic aspects to which we don’t pay enough attention and which we ought to do more often.

J. Thomas Meler
Project: 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE

I had the good fortune of being invited to correct this book. A corrector does not always end up becoming emotionally involved in the text on which he is working, but when it happens it is always a positive and enriching experience. This happened to me. The work became a pleasure because this book is designed – and very well, by the way – by helping those who need it most, to convince teenagers who are soon to become adults and who are facing a future full of many paths in the road. What path to take? On its pages, you will not find exhaustive, tough or simple solutions. Instead there is something much more important: a way of achieving objectives through effort and optimism based on personal work. This work offers readers useful tools to mature personally and professionally. It is like the rod which is given to each and everyone of us to learn to fish.

Jose Antonio Quilez
Project: 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE

This book is a great tool, not only for those of us who work in the field of education.
Parents and educators can find answers to many of the questions which emerge in our daily interactions with teenagers. The idea of ‘Adding Value’ (one of the key concepts of this work) reflects a positive attitude and a constructive way of facing reality, a breath of fresh air at a time when what is superficial, easy and individualistic takes precedence in many fields of society.

Joaquín Macipe Costa

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