

2212, 2015

A gift for this Christmas time

By |December 22nd, 2015|Categories: 7-17 The Experience|

Should you are assessing to do a gift this Christmas time to your sons or daughters over 17 or you are a teacher of students around this age who are seeking to find a job [...]

2112, 2015

Motto for century XXI. Do you agree?

By |December 21st, 2015|Categories: 7-17 The Experience|

We propose this motto as the logo for the current century. Do you agree? we got it from this link mankinduniversalityman and womanenvironmentlooking after nature

2012, 2015

A child who reads…

By |December 20th, 2015|Categories: 7-17 The Experience|

    We have got this picture from this link EducatorTeacherReadingchild readinghow to read

1812, 2015

Child adding creative value…music

By |December 18th, 2015|Categories: 7-17 The Experience|

The child add creative value through music...and what about the teacher?!

901, 2012

When I was living in Scotland (Chapter 1: the arrival)

By |January 9th, 2012|Categories: Travel and Feelings|

9th January 2012 From the first moment, I thought everything had already been prepared as if someone had taken the effort to organize my welcome, which was different from what I had been expecting. If [...]