In the book 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE there is a work team exercise carried out many times in the real life with very good outcomes and always well appreciated by the students or workers who had lived the experience. The target of the exercise is fully linked with other of the experiences stated in the book and we are offering to you here below.

Experience 6: The Last Samurai

For years, an episode in the film The Last Samurai, starring Tom Cruise, frequently comes to mind. While living in the mountain village that has received him, the protagonist is amazed most to see that each person in the village seeks perfection in everything he does. This is highlighted when he says to himself: “…From the moment they wake they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue”.

It is a powerful scene that reminds of that necessity, which is perhaps more rooted in oriental philosophies and, therefore, it is something which we must reinforce in the west.

Recommended by Glen Lapson: