This Paradigm is outdated
Book excerpt of 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE
“Son, now that you are 17, the most important thing you have to do is to study.” I continue, “How many of us have heard this speech? And above all, those of us who have children, how many of us have repeated it? Or even, how many of those who have children are thinking of saying it?
This statement is absolutely right. A young person of 17, with the resources and conditions, has to study, and not only to study to pass exams, but also to study in order to learn.
Many times, at this age, they do not know the why or the what for…”
In the book 7-17 THE EXPERIENCE, the author Glen Lapson explains that following the process stated in the picture above does not guarantee you find a job.
When someone, after his training period, goes to the market to find a job, goes to a recruitment process, everything shown in the picture above will be taken for granted. In the interview they are going to be asked: “Something more?”
That “something more” is what Glen Lapson reveals in his book, supported with many experiences of him and others, along with the experience of having led recruitment processes for many years.
“At all interviews, candidates try to sell themselves (as we all do when it is our turn). Each person tries to sell the best of himself. Since they are always competitive processes, you have to try to stand out from the other candidates. To stand out in this way, it is often this ‘something more’ that can make all the difference.
But, what is this ‘something more’ that they are looking for?”
Author: Glen Lapson
Publisher: Fundacion ECUUP
“Keys to understand what is expected of you in the future”
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